Review Board
Dr. Sunghun Kim

Dr. Sunghun Kim

Dr. Sunghun Kim is currently attached to the Affiliated Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications Research in South Korea. He received his Ph.D from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, before joining Samsung Electronics. His recent research interests in offensive security includes remote code executions, sandbox escapes, local privilege escalations and bypass modern exploit mitigations. He once built LTE and WCDMA base stations and published research on the complex system of IEEE 802.11s. Dr. Kim also jointly holds several patents in this area. As a leading security expert in telecommunications technology, he has presented at various global conferences including MILCOM, ICC, VTC, CCNC. His research journals have been published in IEEE Communications Letters and IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking amongst others. His list of publications can be found in Google Scholar profile Sunghun Kim.

Marco Grassi

Marco Grassi

Expert in Information Security at NIO

Marco Grassi is an Expert in Information Security at NIO. His research has led to the discovery of several vulnerabilities including a VMWare escape at Desktop Pwn2Own 2017, and baseband RCE and wifi iOS at Mobile Pwn2Own 2017. For this, Marco and his team was awarded the "Master Of Pwn" for the third time. They have previously won the "Mobile Master of Pwn" title in Tokyo for Mobile Pwn2Own 2016 and "Master Of Pwn" at Pwn2Own 2016. Marco was one of the main contributors at Desktop Pwn2Own 2016 for the Safari target with sandbox escape to root. He is a sought after speaker in his field and has spoken at Black Hat USA, DEF CON, Infiltrate, CanSecWest, ZeroNights, Codegate, HITB and ShakaCon. Follow him at X as Marco Grassi.

Fred Raynal

Fred Raynal

CEO at Quarkslab

Fred Raynal is a seasoned and well-respected IT security professional having started in the late 1990s. Upon completing his PhD in steganography, he founded the first French security magazine (MISC) in 2001 and conference (SSTIC) in 2002. He started two R&D teams before founding his own cybersecurity boutique company, Quarkslab in 2011, working on both offensive and defensive security. He enjoys application security, vulnerabilities, cryptography or information operations. His work has been published in IEEE Security & Privacy and various security magazines. He is a sought-after speaker and has presented at various international conferences including CanSecWest, Black Hat and HITB. Follow him on LinkedIn and X @fredraynal

Tao Yan

Tao Yan

Distinguished Researcher at Palo Alto Networks

Tao Yan (@Ga1ois) is a distinguished researcher at Palo Alto Networks. He likes discovering new attack surfaces, exploring new research ideas (including but not limited to vulnerability discovery and exploitation ideas) and researching system internals from both offensive and defensive perspectives. His interests include bug findings with dynamic fuzzing and static code analysis, exploits, mitigations bypass, sandbox escape and privilege escalation on various applications and OS components including browsers, Flash, RDP, COM/RPC, etc. In the meantime, he has also been involved with exploits, APTs, malware detection and defense. He has been listed as #7 researcher in 2016 and #4 researcher in 2017 for MSRC Top 100 Researchers. He is also the winner of the local escalation of privilege category in Pwn2own 2021. In addition, he is a regular security patent inventor and security conference speaker including Black Hat, CanSecWest, BlueHat, VirusBulletin, Recon, POC, HITCON, etc.

Junfeng Yang

Junfeng Yang

Senior Security Engineer at Google

Junfeng brings a wealth of experience from the cybersecurity industry, having held positions at esteemed organizations such as Nuro, Didi, FireEye, and NSFocus. With a focus on reverse engineering, protocol analysis, vulnerability assessment, and defense techniques, Junfeng has honed his expertise over many years. He has also presented at Ruxcon 2017. His proficiency extends across a diverse range of domains, encompassing Windows, Linux, QNX, TrustZone, enterprise security, connected vehicles, and IoT. Junfeng's remarkable achievements include winning multiple Microsoft's mitigation bypass bounties consecutively from 2016 to 2018, demonstrating his exceptional skills and dedication to advancing cybersecurity measures.

Yunhai Zhang

Yunhai Zhang


Yunhai Zhang is the Director of NSFOCUS TIANJI LAB. His research primarily focuses on adversarial system security, including vulnerability exploitation and mitigation. He has made significant contributions to improving Microsoft's mitigations in Windows, leading to his consecutive win of the Microsoft Mitigation Bypass Bounty for five years, starting from 2014. He was ranked 6th on the MSRC Top 100 list at 2015 in recognition of his expertise. He was nominated for the Best Privilege Escalation Bug and Best Server-Side Bug categories at the 2021 Pwnie Awards as the discoverer of the Print Nightmare vulnerability. He has been invited as a speaker at renowned conferences such as Black Hat, Blue Hat, DEF CON, POC, Cyber Security Summit, KCon, XCon, and more.

Eugene Lim

Eugene Lim

Eugene Lim is a security researcher and white hat hacker. From Amazon to Zoom, he has helped secure applications from a range of vulnerabilities. In 2021, he was 1 of 5 selected from a pool of 1 million white hat hackers for the HackerOne H1-Elite Hall of Fame. His security research has been featured at top conferences such as Black Hat, DEF CON, and industry publications like WIRED and The Register. At his day job as a security engineer, he builds cross-functional security programmes that strengthens organisational resilience at scale.

Mateusz Krzywicki

Mateusz Krzywicki

Mateusz Krzywicki is a senior security researcher with over 14 years experience in Vulnerability Research and Reverse Engineering. Mateusz worked with biggest software and hardware vendors in vulnerability research teams protecting critical components against attacks leveraging memory corruption exploits. He enjoys finding complex vulnerabilities, discovering new attack surface and writing specialized fuzzing tools and sanitizers. His research is mainly focused on web browser security, IPC and sandbox escapes. Follow him on LinkedIn and Mastodon/X @krzywix.

Daniel Wang

Daniel Wang


Daniel Wang is an instantly recognizable name in security research groups in China and around the world. He is the founder of DARKNAVY and GEEKCON, an independent cybersecurity research organization. As founder of GEEKCON,Daniel Wang and his team dedicate their passion to organizing contests to bring the role of white-hat hackers and their valuable role into prominence. Prior to founding DARKNAVY, Daniel Wang established the CNMSRC - Microsoft China’s Security Response Center. He was also the founder of KeenTeam, one of the top-prize winning teams at Pwn2Own, the world’s largest hacking competition.

Eugene Teo

Eugene Teo

Eugene Teo, an established infosecurity professional in Singapore currently works with STAR Labs to develop their cybersecurity and data protection programs. Eugene was formerly a VP and Deputy Chief Security Officer at a US Multinational Company, where he played a major role in modernizing their security detection and response program, driving cyber transformation, and helping the business pursue security-enabled innovations. He has also led the first ASEAN Security Response Center for a major security product company. In that role, he created a regional multi-functional security team focused on security detection engineering and advanced threat investigations. Eugene's distinguished contributions to the Linux kernel came from his involvement with the Linux kernel upstream security team during his tenure at Red Hat’s Product Security. He has been featured in regional media and is a sought-after speaker at security conferences. His depth of experience made him exceptionally suited as an advisor for a couple of technology start-up companies. Follow Eugene at